

We advise on specific processes and provide specialized solutions tailored to your business needs. The services offered include recommendations on tax issues with significant impact on the company, private enterprise or individual, valuation of tangible, intangible and trading assets, advice on the allocation of the purchase price or the review of damages.

When is business valuation required?

If you find yourself in one of the variants below, then you need a (re) evaluation of your business:

  • The decision to acquire or sell shares;

  • Fusion - acquisitions;

  • Take-over of holdings;

  • Association with parts of the enterprise;

  • Selling the company.

We have the competence and experience to produce the company's assessment report, based on International Valuation Standards (IVS), according to the ANEVAR directives.

No matter the size of the business, capital or industry in which your company operates.We can help you work smarter to achieve your goals.Let's talk about developing your business!

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Smart solutions for business development in România

Geseidl Consulting Group

Str. Ana Ipătescu, Nr. 20, Cod 100337,
Ploiești, Prahova, Romania

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