Tax advice

Tax advice

Through an intelligent approach to strategic vision, we can add value to your business, and through our experience in tax and team determination, we help you increase efficiency, meet legal obligations in a timely manner.

Areas of competence for the tax advisory service

  • Providing services and specialized assistance for the preparation of tax and tax declarations;

  • Preparation of tax returns, certification of tax returns, filing tax returns, tracking and highlighting the filing of tax returns;

  • Drawing up and certifying the balance sheets, submitting the balance sheet, tracking and highlighting the balance sheet submission;

  • Assistance and services on matters of tax procedure;

  • Assistance in drawing up documentation for the purpose of appealing against debt securities and other tax administrative acts;

  • Assistance regarding the receivables of the general consolidated budget, in compliance with the legal provisions in force;

  • Assistance and representation before tax authorities, including the provision of specialized assistance during the tax inspection;

  • Performing tax expertise at the request of law enforcement bodies, criminal investigation bodies, tax authorities or other interested parties;

  • Tax assistance in cases pending before a judicial authority.

No matter the size of the business, capital or industry in which your company operates.We can help you work smarter to achieve your goals.Let's talk about developing your business!

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Smart solutions for business development in România

Geseidl Consulting Group

Str. Ana Ipătescu, Nr. 20, Cod 100337,
Ploiești, Prahova, Romania

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